… and What It Covers

Here’s a brief synopsis of how the Spacious Acting™ weekend goes:

Friday night (3 hours):

Meet Your Feelings:  Most people are not as in touch with their own inner emotional life as they think they are, and yet your feelings are your stock in trade as an actor.  Tonight, you’ll meet yours in the least scary way possible.

Finding Yourself in the Work:  Actors have to start with themselves and then find a connection with the character, but we tend to prejudge the character and to censor ourselves.  This monologue exercise moves you away from that position and starts to open up your potential.  It also introduces you to the Open Door Reading process.

Introduction to Acting Beats:  We’ll use it throughout the weekend, but this is the formal start of it.

Saturday (6 hours):

Physical Activities:  We’ll explore how motion feeds emotion, ups the scene’s believability, and changes what you think you know about the character and the scene.  We’ll also dip our toe into using rehearsals as exploration time.

Changing Location:  We’ll tackle more complex monologues and use motion to improve our storytelling, making it purposeful rather than meandering (a common ailment).  And we’ll tie it into the work on beats and verbs.

Open Door Scene Work:  We’ll explore listening to and connecting with our scene partners, doing it without prejudice.  This is the beginning of learning how to really stay in the moment.  This is life-changing stuff.

Sunday (6 hours):

Sunday is dedicated to scene work.  We’ll get serious about beats and verbs in the morning, and then explore how subtext drives the blocking.  We’ll put everything we’ve learned together in the afternoon.

For why it’s worth your time and money, go here.  For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, go here.

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